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Motivational Styles

Evaluation of Motivational Styles


A better understanding of how we are motivated leads to a greater sense of self-awareness and improves our relationships with others. This understanding helps us see what is important to us and others.

When combined with a knowledge of personality types, this understanding leads to improved decision making, conflict management and alignment of our work and personal lives.

We can understand the actions and behaviours of others too when we know more about what motivates them.


Knowledge of motivators when combined with personality styles and emotional insights, provides a powerful tool for improving our own understanding of why we do what we do, and why we think what we think.

A practical understanding of our motivations helps us to avoid thinking we’re less good than we are and lacking motivation. It helps us to understand better what we value and how that affects our feelings in any given situation.


Our motivations influence our behaviours, decisions and actions. To create a high-performance work system driving increased business productivity and profitability, we need to align our core motivations with our work. When you understand these motivators, you become more effective, you do things for the right reasons, you're less stressed and achieve significantly better results.


You can think of motivators as the “why” of what we do, where personality assessments provides the “how” someone will behave. They help people to better understand their values and belief systems. Our motivations reveal our mindset, our viewpoint and way of thinking.


Our motivators are essentially the reasons we do anything – they drive our behaviours, decisions, and actions, they define our passions, pleasures and satisfaction. They are the reasons we do anything; driving our behaviours, the decisions we take, and actions.


The Seven Motivators

  • Aesthetic, the need for balance, harmony and form

  • Altruism, the need to help others

  • Individualism, a drive to be independent and unique

  • Economic, related to money and time

  • Power, the need to be in control and have influence

  • Regulatory, the need to establish order, routine and structure

  • Theoretical, a thirst for knowledge, learning and understanding

  • ​

The Motivations assessment provides an in-depth identification and review of these seven dimensions and how they combine to influence behaviours, decisions and actions. It reveals how each of the seven motivators impacts our choices. We have to combine them to see how they affect one another and work as a whole.

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