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How to increase productivity in hard times

How to increase productivity in hard times

Improving personal, professional and business productivity is going to be the best way to get through the tough times ahead.

Improving personal, professional and business productivity is going to be the best way to get through the tough times ahead.

Five reasons improving productivity is essential in tough times:
  1. Limited resources such as time and money will go further

  2. You’ll be better able to address, fix and mitigate more issues in a shorter space of time

  3. Output will increase, creating more value

  4. You’ll maintain and even increase motivation and focus on the challenges ahead

  5. You’ll develop a competitive advantage as others fall behind, lose motivation, and give up, leaving you to capitalise on that, take their business or exploit new opportunities.

How to increase productivity in hard times:
  • Increase focus and ensure you’re always working on the important tasks, in priority order, that will drive the business forward. Ask yourself, “If I don’t do this, what will happen?” and if the answer isn’t something that stops the business, don’t do it.

  • Start earlier, finish later, track your time and stay focussed, acknowledge every win and task completion.

  • Get lots of sleep, exercise and eat well. Being tied and sluggish won’t help. Maintain a motivating environment, stay organised.

  • Delegate tasks that are better done by somebody else if you can. Work with others to keep you honest and focussed, not drifting towards a preferred task or activity.

  • Say “No” more often, be more selfish, to any distractions and requests for help that won’t drive the business, or you forward

Personal, professional and business productivity will be the deciding factor in the tough weeks, months and even years ahead.

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